> How to Scandisk a PC on Windows Vista

How to Scandisk a PC on Windows Vista

Posted on Monday, August 13, 2012 | Comments Off

1. All functions in Windows Vista are best accessed through the 'Start' button. Unlike previous versions of Windows, it is not easily located under 'Programs.' Left click the Vista button and select 'Computer.'

Right click on the hard drive you wish to scan, and a drop down menu will appear. Scroll down to 'Properties' and right click.


Select the tab across the top that says 'Tools' and a menu will appear. Select the menu which says 'Error Checking.'
4. Dependent on your user settings, Vista may ask you for permission to continue to run a program. Grant permission for the program and then another window will open. The window will send a message that Windows is unable to run the program at that time. It will ask you to either restart immediately, or to schedule for a future time.
5. Reboot the computer at the desired time and Vista will perform a scandisk check.

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