> How to Fix a 16

How to Fix a 16

Posted on Wednesday, August 22, 2012 | Comments Off

1. Reinstall the program. If you still get an error, click the Windows 'Start' button. Go to 'Control Panel' and choose 'Printers.' Make sure there is a default printer with a name that contains fewer than eight characters.
2. Right-click the icon for the program that is giving an error. Select 'Properties.' Click the 'Advanced' button and check the 'Run in Separate Memory Space' box.

3. Put your Windows installation CD in your CD drive. Hit the 'Start' button. Click 'Run.' In the 'Open:' box, type 'CMD.'
4. Type 'expand D:\i386\config.nt_ c:\windows\system32\config.nt' at the prompt. After the command runs, repeat the command to expand the 'autoexec.nt,' and 'command.com' files.
5. Start the faulty program. If you still get 16-bit Windows subsystem error, browse to the 'Windows' folder and open the 'System32' folder . Right-click the 'config.nt' file and select 'Open With.' Browse to 'Notepad.'
6. Check the 'config.nt' to be sure it contains the following 3 lines: 'dos=high, umb,' 'device=%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\himem.sys' and
'files=40.' If any of the lines are missing, type them into the file and save the file.
7. Open the 'autoexec.nt' file. Make sure it has three lines that each start with 'lh %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\' and end with 'mscdexnt.exe,' 'redir' and
'dosx,' respectively. The file should also contain the line 'SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 P330 T3.' If any of these lines are missing, enter them and save the file.

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