> How to Troubleshoot a Disk Read Error

How to Troubleshoot a Disk Read Error

Posted on Saturday, November 19, 2011 | Comments Off

1. Remove the disk or CD from your computer. Click the 'Start' button, select 'Shut Down' and click 'Restart.' Restarting a computer is often enough to solve simple problems.
2. Conduct a check on your drive for possible errors. Click 'Start' and select 'Computer.' Right-click your hard drive and select 'Properties.' Select the 'Tools' tab and then click 'Check Now' underneath the 'Error-checking' option. Click the boxes next to 'Automatically fix file system errors' and 'Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors,' then hit 'Start' to begin the sweep. Restart your computer when finished and try the disk again.

3. Perform this drive check on each drive in your system to ensure there are no hardware errors occurring.
4. Check your disk for dirt, debris or scratches. Problems with a disk can cause your computer to be unable to read its media.
5. Contact customer support for your computer or the new product and have a technical support agent walk you through targeted troubleshooting steps that are specific to your problem.

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