> How to Disable Windows Chkdsk

How to Disable Windows Chkdsk

Posted on Monday, July 22, 2013 | Comments Off

Disable Chkdsk in Windows ME
1. Back up your Windows registry with Windows backup software or a disk image application. Because making changes to the Windows registry can be dangerous, it is important to have a backup.
2. Click on the Windows 'Start' menu, and choose 'Run.'

3. Run the Windows registry editor. Type 'regedt32.exe' and click on OK. The registry editor will open.
4. Find the menu on the left of the registry editor, and then click on the plus sign next to 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.' This opens up a submenu.
5. Click on the 'System' submenu, then 'CurrectControlSet,' then 'Control' and then 'FileSystem.' The file system options will display in the right window.
6. Double-click 'DisableScandiskOnBoot.' Find the 'Value Data' field in the window that comes up. The number 0 will be in the field.
7. Change the number 0 to a 1, and click 'OK.'
8. Reboot Windows to make the change take effect.
Disable Chkdsk in Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7
9. Click on the Windows 'Start' menu, and choose 'Run.'
10. Run the Windows registry editor. Type 'regedt32.exe' and click on OK. The registry editor will open.
11. Find the menu on the left of the registry editor, and then click on the plus sign next to 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.' This opens up a submenu.
12. Click on the 'System' submenu, then 'CurrectControlSet,' then 'Control' and then 'System Manager.' The system manager options will display in the right window.
13. Double-click on 'BootExecute.' Find the 'Value Data' field in the window that comes up. Type 'autocheck autochk *' in the field and hit 'OK.'
14. Reboot Windows to make the change take effect.

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