> How to Fix System Errors in Windows XP

How to Fix System Errors in Windows XP

Posted on Friday, March 22, 2013 | Comments Off

1. Open 'My Computer,' right-click on your 'C' drive and click 'Properties.' From the window that pops up, click 'Tools.'
2. Click 'Check Now' under the 'Error-checking' heading. Check the boxes next to 'Automatically fix file system errors' and 'Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors.' This process may take some time and it is recommended that you close any other running applications or windows while this scan takes place.

3. Restart your computer once the scan is complete. To ensure the removal of any errors on your hard drive, repeat the scan to see if the errors have been fixed. If you want to view any errors without the computer fixing them automatically, uncheck the box next to 'Automatically fix file system errors.' The computer will scan your hard drive again, but will only report the errors instead of repairing them. (This is useful if you are attempting to contact technical support and want to see the exact error.)

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