> How to Decipher Windows Error Messages

How to Decipher Windows Error Messages

Posted on Wednesday, October 19, 2011 | Comments Off

1. Determine what Windows operating system is running on your computer. There are several operating systems available from Windows, including the 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP Home, XP Professional and Vista platforms.
2. Visit the Internet site for the Windows error code look-up download for your operating system. See the Resources section for more information.

3. Download the error code look-up software from the Microsoft website. Click on the 'Download' button to begin the download. Then choose 'Run' from the download dialogue box once the download is complete. If you want to install the application at a later date, you can choose 'Save' from the dialogue box and double click on the saved executable when you want to install the software.
4. Open the error code look-up software to begin to decipher the Windows error messages. From your Windows desktop, go to the button marked 'Start.' Open this menu and go to the key that says either 'Programs' or 'All Programs,' depending on what version of Windows your computer uses. After your program menu is open, click on 'ERR.'
5. Type the error code in the text box of the error code look-up software. Then click 'OK' to view the deciphered windows error message.

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