How to Fix Code 39 on Windows Vista
Fixing Code 39
1. Select 'Run,' from the 'Accessories' menu, type 'regedit' then click 'OK.' Windows will ask for user permission, click 'Continue.'
2. Click 'Edit' on the menu bar, then click 'Find.' Carefully copy and paste the key below in the 'find what' window, click 'Find Next.' This can take some time. Or find the key manually. It should be the first key in the series, there are several exactly the same.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
3. Check the key to be sure it is the correct one, in the right window pane find the 'Data value' which will read DVD/CD-ROM while the 'Class data' will read CD-ROM.
4. Right-click the key '{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}' and click 'Export.' In the next window name the key 'DVD/CDRom key' and click 'Save.'
5. Right-click on the 'UpperFilters' and select delete; when prompted to confirm delete, select 'Yes.' Repeat this for the 'LowerFilters' key.
6. Close the registry editor and reboot your computer.